The Freedom Blueprint: for the Artist Entrepreneur. Quit your 9-5, become mentally free, and make money traveling the world.
Stuck living 2 different lives?
Tired of waiting for your art/passions to give you the freedom to travel, make money, and do things you love?
It's not that you’re not working hard enough…
It’s that your 2 lives are working against eachother.
Did you know there's a way to replace your income, work half the hours you do now (or less), all while traveling and learning the skills you need to your passions full-time?
How? Keep reading…
If you're anything like I was 16 months ago… you’re stuck.
You're an artist.
You love to create. Travel. Go on adventures. Have fun. Express...
But half your life you’re suppressing this part of yourself.
Every day, you show up to a job where your coworkers barely know you.
They don't know the things you love. How creative, funny, and outgoing you are in your natural element…
Or how much PASSION is oozing out of you...
Because it sure as hell isn't for the data-crunching, order-taking BS they have you doing at work.
And every single weekend, you get a taste... (especially on those heavenly 3 day weekends).
A taste of FREEDOM.
Your soul comes alive. You remember who you are. A fire ignites to keep creating the life you want.
…but Monday comes around…
And your fire dims.
You’re surrounded by negativity. People jokingly hating their existence.
And despite having a smile on their face…
A dark cloud looms over them accumulated over years of “what if’s” and thrown-away dreams.
It’s infectious. This energy seeps in…
And every day after work, you’re exhausted (even though you were sitting on your ass all day)…
Maybe you hit the gym, go for a walk, watch an episode of your favorite show…
And you still have to cook, eat, shower, clean, check in with your bf/gf…
And by the end of the night, you only have 1-2 hours to work on the things you love before you go to bed and do it all over again.
You can’t catch a break. You feel helpless….
And rightfully so…
More than half of your day is spent working on things that aren't aligned with your passions at ALL.
But despite all of this, and only having a few hours to work on your dreams…
You still do.
Because you hope for a better future.
You might even play around with the idea of quitting your job to go all in...
You tell your parents... And they think you're CRAZY.
How could you do that? How could you quit your good job!?
How do you expect to make money from your music/paintings/photography while traveling?
Do you have a plan??? They ask…
And truth is... you don't.
I mean, you kind of do...
But when you stop to think about it, it seems virtually impossible…
Especially with all the fear and negativity from the people around you.
You don't know anything about "business"... You don't know how to "monetize" or turn your passions into money...
Truthfully, you don’t even CARE that much about money.
You just want to be FREE.
But... what if there was a better way?
What if there was a way you could get PAID to learn the skills you need to take your passions full-time all while starting to travel and live a life of freedom NOW?
Well, lucky for you…
That’s exactly what I've figured out how to do.
Inside the Freedom Blueprint, you’ll find everything I’ve learned over the last 3 years to quit my 9-5, break free from my mind, and make money while traveling the world.
I’ve lived in countries like Colombia, Mexico, Argentina… Been to Hawaii, Chile, and Brazil…
All while “working” 2-4 hours a day from my laptop, forming lifelong friends, and creating memories I will remember for the rest of my life.
I’ve made as much as $12k in a single month…
And I’ve learned the skills needed to legitimately turn my art and passions into a full-time business.
I’m confident I’ll never have to go back to a 9-5 again.
And I’ve broken down the exact blueprint for you to do the same.
Now you’re probably wondering… okay…
But HOW?
Inside the blueprint, I break down how every single online business operates.
And yes, being a musician, painter, or dancer is just as much of a business as a clothing brand, content creator, or life coach…
And once you see how ALL of these businesses function…
You can tap into their flow of money to start living the life you want NOW.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything you don’t actually like…
I break down 12 different skills you can choose from depending on your natural interests and curiosities.
These “high-value skills” will help other businesses make more money… and will put money in your pocket NOW.
You are NOT starting a business…
Unlike dropshipping or Amazon FBA (which you constantly hear other gurus talking about)…
You’re only learning ONE skill…
And the best part?
You only have to learn this skill a TINY bit better than the person you’re doing it for.
Because of this (unlike a degree which takes 4 years…) you can start charging in as little as 30 days.
How do I find people to work with?
Finding people to work with is NOT as hard as you think.
Especially when you follow my 4-step system that got Brandon TWO different job opportunities in just days of reading the blueprint:
Once you see how this works, you’ll realize there are an infinite number of businesses that need your help.
Sure, you’ll have to put in a decent amount of work at first…
But once you find ONE person to do this for, you can leave your 9-5, start traveling, and have complete control over your time.
I’m not gonna sit here and pretend this is easy…
Since at first, you’ll be learning a brand new skill, you might have to put in a little bit more than 2-4 hours each day…
But I am NOT lying when I say that once you get a solid understanding of it,
You’ll be able to do ALL the work you need for your clients in less than 2-4 hours every single day…
Freeing up your time to do things you actually enjoy…
Like travel, create, and live life!
And the best part is, you’ll get PAID to do all of this.
…All while learning the skills you need to eventually turn your passions into a full-time career.
What’s inside?
So to recap, inside you’ll find:
> The 3-step nonnegotiable daily routine I use to feel good, conquer my mind, and get shit done every single day.
> The ONE small shift you need to make if you want to be free.
> A step-by-step to create an actionable plan that gets you closer to living a life of purpose.
> The 3 KEY components to every online business… and how you can use these to your advantage to make money NOW.
> A special meditation technique that allows you to start meditating from literally anywhere. Before I discovered this, I always found it extremely confusing to meditate.
> The differences between the artist, entrepreneur, and artist-entrepreneur, and how to choose the life that’s best for YOU.
> How to identify the subconscious patterns from your childhood that are holding you back.
> The single concept that will give your soul peace no matter what happens in your life.
> My downloadable daily Notion template you can use to organize your thoughts, plan your days, and make significant progress toward your goals.
> The ONE thing I do every single day to make room for new insights to enter my mind.
> My 2-step plan for turning social media from a complete waste of time to something that inspires and helps you become a better person every single day.
> The 12 different skills you can choose from to help online businesses make more money and start getting PAID.
> The single mindset shift you need to make to attract an infinite amount of money and opportunities into your life.
> How to tap into the flow of money to start traveling and have more freedom in as little as 60 days.
> All of the most important books on copywriting, relationships, art, life, and resources that got me to where I am today.
> The step-by-step process for doing outreach on Instagram and email that guarantees you stand out in someone’s inbox and increases your chances of landing them as a client.
> The BEST way to land a client when you’re just starting that 99% of people overlook. (This one thing helped Brandon get two jobs within 2 days of reading this)
> The #1 hack to charging up to $5K per month(or more) for work that only takes you less than 1 hour per DAY.
> How to use everything you learn to start your OWN creative business and achieve ultimate creative freedom.
Like I said before…
This book is a collection of everything I have learned in the last 3 years of traveling and making money online.
I’ve spent well over $20,000 on courses, masterminds, communities, and information to get to where I am today.
With just the information in this book, there is NO reason you can’t quit your job and start making $2k-$4k per month in less than 60 days.
I could easily charge $300 for this and it would totally be worth it…
But I’m not.
I’m not even gonna charge $99 for this either…
You can get all of the information you need to quit your 9-5, become mentally free, and make money while traveling the world for only $17.99.
Yep… That’s right.
Less than the amount you spend on a semi-fancy dinner.
And don’t just take it from me, read what other people like you have said about the Freedom Blueprint:
So if you want the exact blueprint to quit your 9-5, become mentally free, and make money traveling the world…
Click “I want this!” to get it right now!
So don’t wait too long ;-)
Cheers amigos
The exact blueprint to quit your 9-5, become mentally free, and make money traveling the world.